Inv. n°: MMoCA715

Pair of Earrings with Lynx's Heads

Earrings formed of twisted gold wire, terminating in detailed lynx’s heads of sheet gold, the collars of which are decorated with filigree and green glass inlay. The closing mechanism at the animal’s mouth ornamented with a dark red glass bead.

h. 3 cm

Greek, Hellenistic, 3rd-2nd century BC

Gold, Glass


  • Collection Dr. Bierfreund, Germany
  • Collection Llelln Thomas, Evans, New Hampton, USA, 1986
  • Acquired at Cahn Inernational AG, 28th March 2011


  • C. Dauphin, Animals in the Ancient World. The Levett Bestiary, Levett Collection Series 2, France, 2014, pp. 15 and 88
  • C. Dauphin, Les animaux dans le monde antique. Le bestiaire Levett, Serie Collection Levett 2, France, 2016, p. 10, fig. 5 and 79


  • Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from June 2011

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