Inv. n°: MMoCA720

Roman Gold Snake Ring

Of hollow form, the head with recessed eyes, the sinuous upper body with scale pattern and the later lower half coiled.

w. 5 cm

c. 1st-2nd century AD



  • Ex Maurice Nahman (1868-1948) collection, Cairo
  • Acquired at Bonhams, Sale 18817 - Antiquities, London, 13th April 2011, lot 180


  • Bonhams, Antiquities including Property from the Collection of Sir Daniel Donahue - Sale 18817, London, 13th April 2011, pp. 93 and 100, lot 180
  • C. Dauphin, Animals in the Ancient World. The Levett Bestiary, Levett Collection Series 2, France, 2014, p. 99
  • C. Dauphin, Les animaux dans le monde antique. Le bestiaire Levett, Serie Collection Levett 2, France, 2016, p. 74, fig. 82 and p. 88


  • Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from June 2011

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