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1417 records found out of 1417 in the entire collection.
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Roman Military Eagles
Inv. n°: MMoCA444
Roman Bronze Statuette of an Eagle
Inv. n°: MMoCA572
Roman Spear Tips
Inv. n°: MMoCA232
Set of Seven Greek Bronze Arrowheads
Inv. n°: MMoCA236
Celtic Spearhead
Inv. n°: MMoCA240
Roman Bronze Arrowheads
Inv. n°: MMoCA244
Three Gallo-Roman Spearheads
Inv. n°: MMoCA263
Three Celtic Spearheads
Inv. n°: MMoCA264
Celtic Wrought Iron Lance Head
Inv. n°: MMoCA329
Three Celtic Iron Dart Points
Inv. n°: MMoCA330
Celtic Spear Head
Inv. n°: MMoCA331
Roman Iron Pilum
Inv. n°: MMoCA515
Roman Iron Pilum
Inv. n°: MMoCA516
Roman Iron Plumbata Head
Inv. n°: MMoCA517
Roman Iron Plumbata Head
Inv. n°: MMoCA518
Greek Bronze Spear Butt or 'Sauroter'
Inv. n°: MMoCA539
Celtic Head of Lance
Inv. n°: MMoCA562b
Four Italo-Corinthian Spear Points
Inv. n°: MMoCA87e
Italo-Corinthian Bronze Gripper
Inv. n°: MMoCA87g
Italo-Corinthien Bronze Scraper
Inv. n°: MMoCA87h
Italo-Corinthien Bronze Four-pronged toaster
Inv. n°: MMoCA87i
Roman Iron Plumbata Dart
Inv. n°: MMoCA96
Roman Archers' Rings
Inv. n°: MMoCA231
Roman Bronze Fire-Arrowhead
Inv. n°: MMoCA235
Celtic Wrought Iron Lance Head
Inv. n°: MMoCA332
Two East Celtic Arrow Heads
Inv. n°: MMoCA333
Spearhead and Ferrule
Inv. n°: MMoCA573
Six Italo-Corinthian Obeloi
Inv. n°: MMoCA87c
Four Italo-Corinthian Lance Points
Inv. n°: MMoCA87d
Small Archive of Materials
Elaine de Kooning
Inv. n°: CL1163
Roman Slingbolts
Inv. n°: MMoCA237
Roman Bronze Flagellum
Inv. n°: MMoCA242
Vanessa Paradis a l'hotel Normandie
Bettina Rheims
Inv. n°: CL246
Natasha Law
Inv. n°: CL316
Dark Green
Natasha Law
Inv. n°: CL317
Figures in a Landscape 1
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL104
Sculpture of Hadrian
Inv. n°: MMoCA214
The Arrhenius Sarcophagus
Inv. n°: MMoCA489
Untitled drawing (Male nude study)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130a
Untitled drawing (female nude study)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130aa
Untitled drawing (portrait of a man)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130aaa
Untitled drawing (study of a female figure)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130b
Untitled drawing (female nude study)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130bb
Untitled drawing (man on the telephone)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130bbb
Untitled drawing (figure study)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130c
Untitled drawing (study of a female nude)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130cc
Untitled drawing (figure study)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130ccc
Untitled (figure study)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130d
Untitled drawing (seated female nude)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130dd
Untitled drawing (man on the telephone II)
Cecily Brown
Inv. n°: CL1130ddd