Inv. n°: MMoCA489
The Arrhenius Sarcophagus
Deaccessioned from the Mougins Museum, Christies NY. Wood and gesso anthropoid coffin with elaborate polychrome painted decoration including scenes of funerary rituals Egyptian
- , Antiquities Sale
- Heritage Auctions
- Ward & Company Works of Art LLC. & Alan Safani Inc.
- Antike Welt
- Ancient Warfare
- , "Ancient Egypt", Mougins Museum of Classical Art
- , Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins. La Collection Famille Levett
- La Marche de l'Histoire
- , "The Amduat on the 21st Dynasty coffins", Proceedings First vatican Coffin conference
- , "Crossing the Landscapes of Eternity: Parallels Between Amduat and Funeral Procession Scenes on the 21st Dynasty Coffins", Archeopress, Egyptology 3
- , "Scenes from the Amduat on the funerary coffins and sarcophagi of the 21st Dynasty", International Congress of Egyptologists XI, Florence
- Ägyptologisches Institut Universität Heidelberg, Heildelberg, Germany, 1980-1984
- San Antonio Museum of Art, Texas, USA, 1990-2001
- Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, 2011-2019
N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the MACM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.