Inv. n°: MMoCA245
Statue of Aphrodite (Venus) in Medici-Capitoline type
The statue is missing its head, right arm, right lower leg from the middle of the thigh down, and all but a portion of the tail of the dolphin which served as the statue's support. The tip of the right thumb is preserved on the left breast, and there is a trace of a strut on the inside of the left elbow where the rest of the fingers were attached to the arm. The left hand is attached to the right thigh by means of two struts, one at the thumb and one at the middle fingers.
- , "Roman Marble Sculpture", Mougins Museum of Classical Art, France
- Cote Magazine, France
- Scotsman Magazine, Scotland
- Zibeline, France
- , Nice-Matin, France
- "C'est quoi cette oeuvre?'", Mougins Infos, France
- Elle, France
- Nice-Matin, France
- Madame Figaro, France
- Cote Magazine, France
- Cote Magazine
- Mougins Magazine, France
- State
- Velocity, France
- Grand Sud, France
- France Today, France
- BeauxArts Magazine, France
- The Best Of, France
- BeauxArts Magazine, France
- Grand Sud, France
- Force One, France
- Grand Sud
- Force One, France
- Zeit Riviera, France
- SO Cannes, France
- Grand Sud, France
- Ancient Warfare, The Netherlands
- Ancient History
- , "Enjoy the Experience of a Museum with Difference! MACM", Ancient History, Rotterdam
- , "A Mougins, le musée d'art classique fête ses 10 ans", Nice Matin, France
- , "From 4th-Century Greek Vases to Female Abstract Expressionism", Larry's List
- Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, june 2011 - Septembre 2023
N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the MACM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.