752 records found out of 1404 in the entire collection.

Currently showing page 11 of 16

category: paintingscategory: sculpturescategory: photographs

Picasso and Jacqueline

Nelly Kaplan
Inv. n°: MMoCA225eMA

Picasso in his Studio

Alexander Liberman
Inv. n°: MMoCA225fMA

Pablo Picasso in Vallauris

Arnold Newman
Inv. n°: MMoCA225gMA

Picasso Decorating the Chapel of Peace at Vallauris

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225hMA

Picasso at a Bullfight with hat and cape of a toreador at the lunch given for his friends at restaurant Le Vallauris before the bullfight. Claude Picasso in the background. Vallauris

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225iMA

Picasso at a bullfight

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225jMA

Pablo Picasso with "Centaure" and double mask. Filming of "Le mystère Picasso", Nice, Studios de la Victorine

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225kMA

Pablo Picasso with bullfight painting by Claude Picasso. La Californie, Cannes

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225lMA

Picasso Painting Mural

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225mMA

Pablo Picasso with wooden sculpture "L’enfant". La Californie, Cannes

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225nMA

Pablo Picasso. Shooting break during filming of "Le mystère Picasso". Nice, Studios de la Victorine

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225oMA

Portrait of Picasso at La Californie, Cannes

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA225pMA

At the Lunch Given for his Friends by Pablo at Restaurant Le Vallauris

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA229MA

Pablo Picasso and Jacqueline (she is wearing a blouse made from a textile designed by Pablo Picasso) with dachshund Ma Jolie. La Californie, Cannes

Edward Quinn
Inv. n°: MMoCA230MA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Julius Caesar (I)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134aMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Octavianus Augustus (II)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134bMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Tiberius Claudius Nero (III)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134cMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Caligula (IIII)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134dMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Claudius Germanicus (V)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134eMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Claudius Nero Domitius (VI)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134fMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Galba (VII)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134gMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Salvius Otho (VIII)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134hMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying VItellius (VIIIII)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134iMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Flavianus Vespasianus (X)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134jMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Titus Flavius Vespas (XI)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134kMA

Enamel Medaillon Portraying Flavianus Domitianus (XII)

Workshop of Jacques I Laudin
Inv. n°: MMoCA134lMA

Foro Civile (Pompei) [Forum (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA161MA

Panorama Foro Rivile (Pompei) [Panorama Forum Rivile (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA162MA

Panorama (Pompei) (Panorama of Pompeii with Mount Vesuvius in the backgroud (Pompeii)

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA163MA

Strada delle Tombe (Pompei) [Street of tombs (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA164MA

Forno (Pompei) [The remains of Numerius Popidius Priscus' bakery (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA165MA

Tempio d'Iside (Pompei) [ The Temple of Isis (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA166MA

Tempio di Venere (Pompei) [ The Temple of Venus (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA167MA

Anfiteatro (Pompei) [Amphiteatre (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA168MA

Basilica (Pompei) [Basilica (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA169MA

Casa di Diomede (Pompei) [Doimede's house (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA170MA

Strada di Stabbia (Pompei) [ Stabbia Street (Pompeii)]

Giorgio Sommer
Inv. n°: MMoCA171MA

Bronze Chariot Fitting or Rein Guide

Inv. n°: MMoCA382

Dendra: 'Temple of Hathor'

Jean-Pascal Sébah
Inv. n°: MMoCA191aMA

Abydoss Seti I Offering Incense to Osiris

Jean-Pascal Sébah
Inv. n°: MMoCA191bMA

Karnak, Gate of Ptolemy III (no. 1015)

Constantine Zangaki
Inv. n°: MMoCA192aMA

Island of Philae (no. 1082)

Constantine Zangaki
Inv. n°: MMoCA192bMA

Dendera: Entrance to Temple of Hathor, with Hathor Headed Column Capitals (no. 1014)

G. Lékégian
Inv. n°: MMoCA193MA

Porch of Philadelphis, Karnak (no. 651)

E. S. Hirchips
Inv. n°: MMoCA194MA

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbec, Syria

Felix Bonfils
Inv. n°: MMoCA195MA

Ramasseum, North Side of the Hypostyle Hall

Inv. n°: MMoCA196aMA

Karnak: Hypostyle Hall

Inv. n°: MMoCA196bMA

Luxor: Ramesseum

Inv. n°: MMoCA196cMA

Abydos: Relief from the Temple of Seti I. Seti Making an Offering to Isis, Seated, Holding a Was-Sceptre and Ankh

Inv. n°: MMoCA196dMA

Karnak, Ram-headed Sphinxes (no.127)

Antoine Beato
Inv. n°: MMoCA202aMA