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254 records found out of 1399 in the entire collection.
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Marble Statue, Group of Roman Soldiers and a Captive
Inv. n°: MMoCA283
Scythian Greek Scale Armour
Inv. n°: MMoCA296
Samnite Triple-Disc Breastplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA415a
Samnite Triple-Disc Backplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA415b
Italic Bronze Triple-Disc Breastplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA416a
Italic Bronze Cuirass (from an Armour Set)
Inv. n°: MMoCA429b
Greek Bronze 'Bell' Cuirass from the Archaic Period
Inv. n°: MMoCA433
Roman Bust of Minerva
Inv. n°: MMoCA442
Greek Aryballos in the form of a Helmeted Head
Inv. n°: MMoCA475
Greek Bronze Backplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA528b
Short Greek Muscle Breastplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA531a
Short Greek Muscle Backplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA531b
Bronze Anatomical Cuirass
Inv. n°: MMoCA597b
Bronze Anatomical Cuirass
Inv. n°: MMoCA597c
A Greek Bronze Cuirass
Inv. n°: MMoCA608
Archaic Greek Bronze Cuirass
Inv. n°: MMoCA654
South Italic Bronze Cuirass Plate
Inv. n°: MMoCA827
Roman Bronze Applique Bust of a Warrior Advancing
Inv. n°: MMoCA83
Roman Bronze Roundel with a Bust of a Young Barbarian
Inv. n°: MMoCA84
Samnite Bronze Trefoil-plate Cuirass
Inv. n°: MMoCA840
Bronze Figure of a Gladiator ('murmillo')
Inv. n°: MMoCA848
Roman Repousse Bronze Breastplate Fitting
Inv. n°: MMoCA446
Roman Bronze Steelyard Weight in the Shape of the Bust of Helmeted Roma
Inv. n°: MMoCA86
Etruscan Votive Shield
Inv. n°: MMoCA189
Villanovan Shield Shaped Decorated Breastplate
Inv. n°: MMoCA269
Villanovan Bronze Votive Shield
Inv. n°: MMoCA417
Lot consisting of Italic armour Alfedana type, bronze breast & back plates with dark-green patina decorated with 4-footed beasts, 3 pieces of former shoulder strap, a gorget & two iron swords
Inv. n°: MMoCA487
Bronze Villanovan Shield
Inv. n°: MMoCA602
A Greek Shield Device
Inv. n°: MMoCA611
Greek Bronze Shield Attachements
Inv. n°: MMoCA613
A Greek Bronze Shield Boss (or Umbo)
Inv. n°: MMoCA617
Edge of a Large Greek Shield
Inv. n°: MMoCA648
Roman Balteus
Inv. n°: MMoCA777
Hoplite Shield
Inv. n°: MMoCA841
Villanovian Shield
Inv. n°: MMoCA843
Etruscan Bronze Lion Boss
Inv. n°: MMoCA557
A Roman Bronze Boss
Inv. n°: MMoCA558
Shield Attachments
Inv. n°: MMoCA560
Greek Bronze Arm Guard
Inv. n°: MMoCA829
Bronze Horse Muzzle Guard
Inv. n°: MMoCA421
Roman Bronze Horse Eyeguard
Inv. n°: MMoCA547
Bronze Chamfrons
Inv. n°: MMoCA597f&g
Roman Iron Folding Stool or Sella Castrensis
Inv. n°: MMoCA320
Bronze Chariot Fitting or Rein Guide
Inv. n°: MMoCA382
Roman Bronze Attachment from a Ship
Inv. n°: MMoCA443
Phrygian Bronze Bow Brooch
Inv. n°: MMoCA614
Roman Bronze Swastika Brooch
Inv. n°: MMoCA615
Celtish Iron Long Sword
Inv. n°: MMoCA262
Roman Bronze Spatha (Cavalry Sword) and Fittings
Inv. n°: MMoCA282
Celtic Iron Sword and Scabbard
Inv. n°: MMoCA520