Inv. n°: MMoCA859

Bronze Helmet of Apulo-Corinthian type

The helmet has a semi-spherical shape: a horizontal line in light relief, which splits on the forehead, forming a curved brow line, interrupts its contour halfway up. The decoration is composed of vegetal patterns incised near the ears and at the corners of the incised eyes, and of two antithetical wild boars, engraved on the cheek-guards. The boars are depicted in an aggressive attitude, with their forelegs extended forward, their heads lowered and their fangs exposed, as if they were preparing for a fight against one another. Anatomical details incised on the head (eyes, open mouth, erect ears, fangs) and the body (muscles of the shoulders and thighs, scrotum, bristles on the back, hooves) embellish the representations. Stylistically, these wild boars are comparable to those painted on Corinthian black figure ceramics. From Magna Graecia.

h. 18.5 cm

5th century BC



  • Mr. H.C. collection, Rhineland, Germany, prior to 1980
  • Acquired privately from Mr. R.A., Switzerland, 1996
  • Acquired at Electrum, exclusive agent for Phoenix Ancient Art, New York, 14th June 2010


  • Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from 2020

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