Inv. n°: MMoCA674

Sapphire Intaglio Depicting the Head of Odysseus

ø 2 cm

Late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD

Gold, Sapphire


  • John Hewett collection, Kent, England, 1982
  • With Michael Ward, Inc., 1985
  • Private American Collection, until 2011
  • Acquired at Ward & Company Works of Art LLC., New York, 3rd March 2011


  • J. Spier, "Roman Jewellery" in M. Merrony (ed.), Mougins Museum of Classical Art, France, 1st January 2011, p. 158, fig. 15


  • Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from June 2011

N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the MACM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.

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