Inv. n°: MMoCA58
Black-Figure Kylix ('Siana' Shape) Attribued to Lydos
Lydos was an Attic vase painter active between 560 and 540 BC. Tondo with red and black leaves, in the centre cock, on the background a lotus bud. Outside animal frieze, under both handles a hanging lotus bud. Side A: Panther and deer framing an aquatic bird with stretched wings. Side B: Two pairs of panther and deer. Neck of the deers red, neck of the panthers red with small black dots; broad stripe on the wing of the aquatic bird.
- , Auction 3
- , "Greek Art", Mougins Museum of Classical Art, France
- Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from June 2011
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