Inv. n°: MMoCA45
Roman Marble Relief Fragment of a Sarcophagus
Showing the deceased man. He reclines on a couch wearing a finely draped toga, holding a phiale in his left hand, his wife seated on the edge of the couch, both holding hands in tender parting; she wears a himation, her wavy hair in a chignon, the couch decorated with palm tree.
- , Antiquities Sale
- , Antiquities Sale, The Geddes Collection
- , "Roman Marble Sculpture", Mougins Museum of Classical Art, France
- University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 1st March 1988 — 1st July 2003
- Museum of Mediterranean Antiquities, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 1st November 2005 — 1st April 2008
- Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from June 2011
N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the MACM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.