Inv. n°: MMoCA16MA

Femme Nue Assise Devant Rideau. Vollard Suite no. 4

One of two proofs printed on the varnish before steel facing and bevelling of the plate. Printed by Fort, before the editions of 260 with small margins, 50 with large margins and 3 on parchment.

h. 34 x w. 31 cm




  • Printed by Fort, before the editions of 260 with small margins, 50 with large margins and 3 on parchment, Paris, 1931
  • Pablo Picasso, thence by descent to the Marina Picasso collection with her oval stamp on verso, inv. no.15769
  • Acquired directly from Marina Picasso collection by Frederick Mulder, August 2008
  • Acquired at Caroline Wiseman Modern and Contemporary, London, 16th August 2008


  • Picasso, The Vollard Suite 1930-1937, Fischer Fine Art Ltd., London
  • Picasso’s Vollard Suite, Thames and Hudson - London, London, 1956, p. 16
  • Pablo Picasso, Malaga 1881- 1973 Mougins: graphische Werke, 1904-1972: Ausstellung, 25. Oktober-22. Dezember 1982 Galerie Kornfeld, Bern. (Laupenstrasse 41, 3008 Bern). Literature: Bloch 0137, Baer 202Aa (of Bd) Vollard 4, 1982, p. 69
  • Picasso archives in Paris, Paris, Inventory number 15769
  • "Picasso - La Suite Vollard au Musée Fabre", En revenant de l'expo!, 2018, [on-line] available at:, another edition mentionned


  • Mythes et Héroes, Espace Culturel, Mougins, France, 14th April 2012 — 28th May 2012
  • Picasso à Mougins, Espace Culturel, Mougins, France, 28th March 2013 — 12th May 2013
  • The Classical Now, King's College London, The Arcade at Bush House & Inigo Rooms at Somerset House, London, UK, 2nd March 2018 — 28th April 2018
  • Picasso - Dossier à voir, Musée de Fabre, Montpellier, France, 15th June 2018 — 4th November 2018

© Succession Picasso 2021

N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the MACM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.

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