Inv. n°: MMoCA115dMA

Vases, Candelabra, Sarcophagi, Tripods, Oil Lamps and Ancient Ornaments Designed and Engraved by Cav. Gio. Battista Piranesi

(Rome - 1778) Plate 7 "A. Bronze front lamp made for hanging, as shown by its chains, and the hook B. This represents a cart made in the likeness of those used in the circuses, pulled by two bulls. C Drawbar of the Chariot. D Yoke. This oil lamp is unusual not only for/ its rare form, and invention, but also for/ its two cushions E, located between the yoke and the two necks of the bulls; a manner perhaps used/ by the Ancients to subject the said cushions to the heads of the yokes of the drawbars of the carts driven by the working cattle. The Figure, which is shown to be driving, could be imagined to be a Proserpine or a true Cintia, Goddess of Night, who with her Rags illuminates the World enveloped in darkness. This figure has been adapted in this lamp to denote its function expressed in those two lights G, used to shine at night time to give light in ancient times to those places where it was placed. The three chains are recommended in Sites H for raising the lamp./ I One of the two wheels of the Chariot. This oil-lamp was found in the year 1773 in the excavations made in the courtyard of the Palace of the Most Excellent Sir Francesco Gaetani, Duke of Sermoneta, situated in Santa Maria Mag.e K Lucerna, which is kept in the Kirkerian Museum of the College".

Late 18th century



  • Acquired at William Fisher, Camberwell, 8th February 2012


  • Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins (MACM), Mougins, France, from 2021

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