Inv. n°: CL1260

La machine érotique ou Conception du Mec Art

h. 59.7 x w. 49.8 cm


Oil and pritned paper collage on canvas


  • Estate of the artist
  • Broadway 1602, New York
  • Acquired from the above from the past owner, 2012
  • Acquired at Christie's, A Century of Art: The Gerald Fineberg Collection, 1st January 2023, lot 180


  • Namur, Musée Félicien Rops; Province of Namur Maison de la Culture and Jambes, Détour Gallery, Axell. From Pop Art to Paradise, September-October 2004, 2004, 2004, p. 25, no. 4
  • The Mayor Gallery, Evelyne Axell 1935-1972, Erotomobiles, 2002, pp. 16 and 36, no. 2
  • Museum Abteiberg, Axelleration: Evelyne Axell 1964-1972, 2011, p. 23, no. 001


  • Evelyne Axell en de jaren zestig, Provinciaal Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Ostende, august-September 1999
  • Axell.From Pop Art to Paradise, Musée Félicien Rops (Namur), Détour Gallery (Province of Namur Maison de la Culture and Jambes), september-October 2004
  • Evelyne Axell 1935-1972, The Mayor Gallery, London, june-July 2003
  • Axell. Le Pop Art jusqu'au Paradis, Musée provincial Félicien-Rops and Jambes, Galerie Détour, Namur, september-October 2004
  • Axelleration: Evelyne Axell 1964-1972, Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, july-October 2011
  • The Great Journey Into Space, Broadway 1602, New York, april-August 2012
  • FAMM (Femmes Artistes du Musée de Mougins), Mougins, France, from 21st June 2024 to present day

© Adagp, Paris

N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the MACM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.

© (MACM) Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins 2021 - 2024